Does iOS 17.2 drain your battery? Here’s What You Need to Know

By ANAS KHAN 14 Min Read

Have you been having a quick and unpleasant loss of power on your iPhone since you updated to iOS 17.2? You’re not by yourself! A lot of users have been complaining about this strange problem that they think is affecting their devices. But don’t worry—we’re here to explain what’s going on and give you all the details you need about how badly iOS 17.2 drains the battery. Get your charger ready, and let’s go!

User complaints about iOS 17.2 draining your battery

User complaints about iOS 17.2 draining your battery

A lot of people are complaining on forums and social media sites that iOS 17.2 drains battery life too quickly. Angry iPhone users are sharing their sadness and anger. Many people have said that their batteries last much less now that they have the newest version of iOS.

One frequent gripe is that the battery dies quickly, even when not used much, so users have to charge their devices all day long. Some users have said that they never had these kinds of problems before switching to iOS 17.2, which suggests that the problems may be directly linked to the software update.

These issues aren’t just about one model or age of iPhones; they seem to be happening on both older and younger devices. Many people are asking what is causing the quick drop in battery life because this is a common problem.

Apple has heard these concerns and released updates that fix some battery-saving issues in later iOS versions. However, some users are still having problems with their batteries draining even after running these updates.

People who are having problems with their batteries dying too quickly on iOS 17.2 should look into more than just what Apple offers. This can include things like turning off background app updates, lowering the screen brightness, turning on low power mode when needed, and closing background apps that aren’t being used.

Also, keeping an eye on your device’s battery life can help you figure out which apps or processes are using the most power. Finding apps that use a lot of resources can help you decide which ones you should lower your usage or get rid of completely.

Even though it’s annoying for iPhone users that iOS 17.2 makes the battery life shorter, there are things you can do to make things better until more changes come out in software patches.

Apple’s Response and Explanation in iOS 17.2

Apple's Response and Explanation in iOS 17.2

Apple’s reaction to users’ complaints about how quickly iOS 17.2 drains batteries was quick and clear. The company admitted there was a problem and said in a statement that it was due to a software bug that caused too much action to happen in the background.

Apple said that this bug affected some apps and services, which made the device use more power even when it wasn’t being used. Users were told that a fix was being worked on and that they should make sure their devices had the most recent version of iOS.

Along with fixing the bug, Apple also added some tips to iOS 17.2 to make the battery last longer. They suggested making settings like screen brightness, background app updates, and location services work better. Users were also told to stop background apps that they didn’t need and turn on low-power mode when they needed to.

Even though these steps can help extend the battery life, some users may still have problems with a steady drain even after doing what Apple suggests. In this case, other options could be looked at, like changing all the settings or doing a complete reset.

Users of iOS 17.2 can go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health to see how much the battery is being used and how healthy it is. This function gives users useful information about how well the battery is working overall and lets them keep an eye on any big changes that happen over time.

Even though it’s normal for software changes to drain your battery in some way, Apple has been responsive to user worries about how iOS 17.2 affects battery life. By explaining the problem and giving useful ways to make things better, they have shown that they want to give users the best experience possible.

Tips for improving battery life on iOS 17.2

1. Change the color of the screen. One of the best ways to save battery life is to make the screen less bright. You can turn off auto-brightness by going to Settings > Display & Brightness. Instead, set it to a lower level that feels good to you by hand.

2) Go to Settings > Battery and turn on Low Power Mode. This is what you should do when your battery is getting low. Turning off background app updates, mail fetch, and other features that aren’t needed, will briefly lower the amount of power used.

3. Turn off background app updates: Some apps refresh in the background even when you’re not using them, which can quickly drain your power. To change this, go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh and turn it off for all apps or just some of them.

4. Never use location services too much. Location services are helpful for some apps, but they can drain your power. Change how often they can use your phone by going to Settings > Privacy > Location Services and picking “While Using” instead of “Always” for some apps.

5. Switch from cellular data to Wi-Fi whenever you can. Wi-Fi uses less power than cellular data, so switching from cellular data to Wi-Fi can help save energy.

6. Turn off push email. Constantly getting emails in real time takes up power that isn’t needed.

Set the fetch options for your email accounts by hand, or choose manual fetching instead of push alerts.

Remember that these tips may not work for everyone because of how they use their devices and how they are set up, but following them should help iOS 17’s battery last longer.

Alternative solutions for persistent iOS 17.2 drain your battery

1. Turn off background app updates that you don’t need. Some apps use power even when you’re not using them, so make sure this option is turned off. To save energy, go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh and turn it off for apps that you don’t need.

2. Lower the brightness of the screen. Your iPhone’s bright screen can use a lot of power. You can make the screen last longer by lowering its brightness or setting it to automatically brighten.

3. Turn off “push email.” Getting new emails all the time can drain your device’s power. You might want to move from push email to manual fetch or make the time between grabs longer.

4. Don’t use too many location-based services. Services that use GPS tracking and geolocation use a lot of power. Turn off location services for apps that don’t need to know where you are all the time by going to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.

5. Resolve notifications: Getting a lot of notifications from different apps can quickly drain your battery because they keep the screen on and processes going in the background. Look over the apps that send you alerts and turn off the ones that you don’t need.

Turn on Low Power Mode: To turn on Low Power Mode when your battery is low, go to Settings > Battery > Low Power Mode or use the Control Centre. This feature briefly lowers power use by turning off functions that aren’t needed, like graphic effects and automatic downloads.

Remember that these other options might help with the ongoing energy drain problems in iOS 17.2, but each person’s experience will be different based on how they use their device and other factors that affect its total performance.

How to check your battery usage and health

To figure out why your device may be having drain problems, you need to look at how much you use your battery and how healthy it is. Luckily, iOS 17.2 makes it easy for users to check how their batteries are doing.

To get to this option, on your device, go to “Settings” and tap on “Battery.” You can find careful information about the apps that use the most power at different times here. It lets you figure out which apps are draining your life too quickly, so you can fix the problem.

You can also see how healthy your battery is by going to “Settings,” tapping on “Battery,” and then tapping on “Battery Health.” This part shows important information, like the highest potential and best performance.

By keeping an eye on these measures daily, you can tell if your battery is working at its best or if it needs to be serviced or replaced.

Keep in mind that checking the battery’s health and usage can help you figure out what’s wrong, but it’s not an answer in and of itself. It only gives you useful information that can help you figure out what you need to do to improve your general performance.

Use this feature in iOS 17.2 to keep track of how your device’s battery is being used and to make smart choices about which apps to use and whether your batteries are working properly!


Apple has been getting reports from users that iOS 17.2 drains batteries quickly, which means that batteries last a lot less time since the latest iOS version. The problem doesn’t seem to be limited to a certain model or age of iPhones. It seems to happen on both older and later models. Apple has heard these worries and has released fixes for later versions of iOS that improve battery life. However, some users are still having draining problems even after running these patches.

Apple quickly and clearly explained that the problem was caused by a software bug that led to too much activity in the background. Users were told that a fix was being worked on and that they should make sure their devices had the most recent version of iOS. Apple also advised on how to get the most out of your iOS 17.2 battery life, including how to tweak settings like screen brightness, background app reload, and location services. Users can also go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health to see how much the battery is being used and how healthy it is.


What does the iOS 17.2 update do?

iOS 17.2 from Apple has great new features and fixes for security and bug issues that make it worth updating your iPhone. The long-awaited Journal app is also included in the update. You can lock it with Face ID or Touch ID to keep it private and safe.

Does the new iOS update drain your battery?

Installing updates is hard on the phone’s battery, and tasks that start up because of the updates can take “hours or even days” to finish.

What’s new in iOS 17.0.2?

iOS 17.0.2
This update fixes some important bugs and improves security. It also fixes a problem that could stop you from directly moving data from another iPhone during setup.

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