Power Preservation: Solutions for Battery Drain in iOS 17.4

By ANAS KHAN 9 Min Read
anass khan

How to fix battery drain problems in iOS 17.4: In the digital age, our smartphones have become indispensable tools, and for iOS users, maintaining optimal battery life is crucial. iOS 17.4 brings forth many exciting features, but it also presents its fair share of battery drain issues. Understanding and addressing these problems is essential to ensuring your device operates smoothly without constantly seeking a power outlet.

Common Causes of Battery Drain in iOS 17.4

How to fix battery drain problems in iOS 17.4":Common Causes of Battery Drain in iOS 17.4

How to fix battery drain problems in iOS 17.4: Sometimes, the battery in iPhones can run out quickly. There are a few reasons why this happens with the new iOS 17.4 update. One reason is that apps can use power even when you’re not using them. Another reason is when apps keep checking where you are. Also, getting lots of notifications can use up the battery. Finally, having the screen too bright or the phone on too much can also make the battery run out faster.

Background App Refresh

“Background App Refresh is when apps on your phone update themselves, even when you’re not using them. This can use up your phone’s battery because the apps are still working in the background. So, it’s important to manage which apps can do this so your battery lasts longer.”

Location Services

Location services are when apps on your phone know where you are. This can use up your battery because the phone has to keep track of your location all the time. So, it’s good to be careful about which apps you let know your location, so your battery doesn’t run out too fast.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are messages that pop up on your phone from apps. These notifications can use up your battery because they make your phone wake up to show the message. So, it’s helpful to control which apps send you notifications, so your battery lasts longer.

Display Settings

Display settings are the settings that control how bright your phone screen is and when it turns off. Having the screen too bright or leaving it on for a long time can make your battery run out faster. So, it’s good to adjust these settings to save battery power and make it last longer.

How to fix battery drain problems in iOS 17.4

How to fix battery drain problems in iOS 17.4:How to fix battery drain problems in iOS 17.4

Here are some ways to make your iPhone battery last longer with the iOS 17.4 update:

Update iOS to the Latest Version

Updating iOS means getting the newest version of the software that runs your iPhone. When you update to the latest version, it can help fix problems like battery drain. It’s important to always have the newest version so your phone works better and lasts longer on a single charge.

Optimize Settings for Apps

Optimizing app settings means changing how apps work on your phone to save battery. You can do things like turn off features you don’t need or make apps use less power. By doing this, your phone’s battery can last longer.

Manage Background App Refresh

Managing Background App Refresh means controlling which apps can update themselves when you’re not using them. By turning off this feature for apps you don’t need it for, you can save battery power because the apps won’t use as much energy in the background.

Adjust Location Services Settings

Adjusting Location Services settings means deciding which apps can know your location. By choosing only the important ones, your phone won’t need to use as much battery power to track where you are all the time.

Limit Push Notifications

Limiting push notifications means choosing which apps can send you messages that pop up on your phone. By reducing the number of notifications from less important apps, you can save battery because your phone won’t have to wake up as often to show them.

Monitor Display Settings

Monitoring display settings means keeping an eye on how bright your phone screen is and how quickly it turns off. By adjusting these settings to use less power, like dimming the screen and setting it to turn off sooner, you can make your battery last longer.

Use Low Power Mode

Using Low Power Mode means turning on a special setting on your phone to save battery when it’s running low. This mode changes some settings to use less power, so your battery lasts longer until you can charge your phone again

Additional Tips for Battery Preservation

How to fix battery drain problems in iOS 17.4:Additional Tips for Battery Preservation

Here are some extra tips to help your phone’s battery last longer:

Reduce Screen Brightness

To reduce screen brightness means making your phone screen less bright. This can help save battery life because the screen uses less power when it’s not as bright. So, if you lower the brightness, your battery can last longer.

Disable Unnecessary Features

Disabling unnecessary features means turning off things on your phone that you don’t need. For example, if you’re not using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, you can turn them off. This helps save battery life because your phone won’t waste power on things you’re not using.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Disabling unnecessary features means turning off things on your phone that you don’t need. For example, if you’re not using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, you can turn them off. This helps save battery life because your phone won’t waste power on things you’re not using

Regularly Restart Your Device

Regularly restarting your device means turning it off and then back on again every so often. This can help fix any small problems and make your device work better. By doing this, you can keep your device running smoothly and make sure it lasts longer.

Keep Apps Updated

Keeping apps updated means making sure you have the newest versions of the apps on your phone. This is important because updates often come with improvements that make the apps work better and use less battery. So, by keeping your apps updated, you can help your phone’s battery last longer.


In conclusion, fixing battery drain problems in iOS 17.4 requires a combination of software tweaks and mindful usage habits. By implementing the solutions mentioned above and adopting good battery preservation practices, you can enjoy extended battery life and a smoother iOS experience.

How to fix battery drain problems in iOS 17.4: Users can ensure their devices operate smoothly without constantly seeking power outlets. By addressing common causes of battery drain, iOS 17.4 users can enjoy longer battery life and a more efficient device.


Why is my iPhone battery draining so fast after updating to iOS 17.4?

iOS updates can sometimes introduce new features or bugs that impact battery life. Following the provided solutions can help alleviate this issue.

Does using Low Power Mode affect my iPhone’s performance?

While Low Power Mode may limit certain background tasks to conserve battery, it shouldn’t significantly impact your device’s performance during normal usage.

Should I keep background app refresh enabled for all apps?

It’s best to selectively enable background app refresh for apps that truly benefit from it, such as messaging or email apps.

Will reducing screen brightness affect my viewing experience?

Dimming the screen brightness slightly can extend battery life without sacrificing much in terms of viewing experience, especially indoors.

How often should I restart my iPhone to optimize battery performance?

Restarting your iPhone once a week or whenever you notice performance issues can help clear out temporary glitches and improve battery life.

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