Unveiling Android 14 Updates to Expect in 2024 – Click Now

By ANAS KHAN 11 Min Read

Android 14 update date: The highly-anticipated Android 14 upgrade is almost here! The release date of this software update is quickly approaching, and people are anxiously anticipating the newest additions and improvements it offers. Be the first to know when Android 14 is out so you can discover the improvements it brings to your smartphone. These changes will shape Android into a more sophisticated and user-friendly experience.

Android 14 Update date release

All compatible Pixel phones may now download Android 14. Also receiving a taste of Android 14 are several other firms’ flagship Android devices. Unlike Android’s typical release timetable, Android 14 was unveiled in early October 2023 with the Pixel 8 series. The newest version of Android is often released by Google around late August or early September, according to previous years.

android 14 update date

Google has now established a very regular release schedule for its yearly Android updates. Typically, an early developer beta is released around the beginning of the year, around February or March. Then, in the spring, at the forthcoming Google I/O developer conference, the entire announcement is made. After that, in late summer, all eligible Pixel devices would officially get the update. After that, it’s up to the individual Android device makers to upgrade their devices to Android 14, usually with a skin.

Android 14 name

Following the annual trend of naming Android versions after alphabetical desserts, rumors have circulated that Android will bear the “Upside Down Cake” internal title. The practice of giving Android versions cute names persisted internally even though it was officially discontinued with Android 10. For this reason, Android versions 12 and 11 were dubbed “Snow Cone” and “Red Velvet Cake,” respectively, among Android insiders. Android 13 was known as “Tiramisu” for the same reason.

Android 14 current version

To give developers a head start on working with the next Android version, preparing their applications appropriately, and updating them ahead of time, the first developer beta of Android 14 was published in early February 2023. Google unveiled Android 14 in March 2023 with its second developer beta, which included more changes to the operating system’s internals and set the stage for future additions and functionality.

Shortly after Google I/O 2023, Beta 2 was published by Google. There aren’t any big new features in the most recent version; it just fixes a ton of bugs and adds the May security patch to the Android 14 beta. With few visible changes to the user interface and many enhancements to the underlying technology, Android 14 beta 5 was published on August 10. This puts the operating system in a prime position for its final release to the public later in August or early September.

Android 14 Rumored and Upcoming Features

Embark on the journey of Android 14’s rumored and upcoming features. As anticipation builds, users eagerly await the potential enhancements and innovations that may shape the next evolution of Android. Dive into the speculations and get a glimpse of the exciting features that could redefine the Android experience in the upcoming software update.

Grammatical changes

To improve accessibility for users whose first language is not English, Android 14 includes several language optimizations that take into consideration grammatical genders in other languages and other non-English speaking quirks when processing text.

One more fantastic feature of Android 14’s locale adaptation is the ability to dynamically change an app’s foreign language settings to match the location. This allows you to modify the keyboard depending on the interface language of the app and displays what’s appropriate.

Improved customization

You may adjust the size, shape, and color of the clock on your lock screen—one of the most noticeable and intriguing new features in Android 14. The two shortcut keys on the lock screen are also up for grabs. 

Additionally, later this year, Android will include a new generative wallpaper feature that can generate one-of-a-kind wallpapers. 

Better accessibility

The new accessibility capabilities in Android 14 make it possible for fonts to scale non-linearly, which means that the displayed text may be magnified significantly. With the introduction of Android 14, users with visual impairments will have significantly easier access, with a maximum of 130% before increasing to 200%. Such an option built into Android is quite sensible, and I’m hoping that many will be able to make use of it since phones are becoming bigger but text isn’t.

It should be noted that does not only increase the text size of Android 14 to a level befitting of the top phones for seniors ranking. To enlarge tiny text, it uses clever non-linear scaling, which makes use of typefaces that are already sufficiently big. According to Google, “Android supports font scaling up to 200%, providing low-vision users with additional options for accessibility that align with the Website Development Rules (WCAG)”.

Battery life and performance

By optimizing processes in the background and only sending actionable requests to apps when they are no longer in a cached state, Android 14 will make the mobile OS system more efficient and reduce battery consumption from superfluous operations.

Also, applications like clocks and calendars that don’t need a rigid timetable can’t set exact alerts to continually probe for resources unless the user specifically tells them to. This ought to lessen the OS’s possible power consumption.

Other changes

According to XDA’s Mishaal Rahman, a plethora of new features included in Android 14’s second Developer Preview have been discovered.

As a new accessibility feature, the execute_app_action permission supposedly lets applications carry out operations within other apps for users. In its present iteration, Android 14 grants permission to Google Assistant by default, suggesting that it may expand its capabilities and improve its ability to communicate with other applications.

Security and privacy

Many new malware-fighting features will be available at the system level in Android 14, which will solve known vulnerabilities by mandating or prohibiting app downloads under specific situations or altogether. The most critical requirement for deploying an app to a phone is that the defined targeted SDK be current. This might prevent bad actors from exploiting security holes in older versions of the Android software development kits.

For instance, starting with Android 6, it has been determined that apps would not be installable on existing Android phones. The runtime permissions added to this version of Android are the main factors influencing this decision. If your phone is running Android 14, for example, you won’t see any applications in your app drawer that are designed for Android 5.1 or older.

Concerning apps that are dynamically loaded, there is another enhancement in the security area. To further restrict access to harmful software and vulnerabilities, Android 14 will label them as read-only and make them modifiable (with malicious intent) via code injection.

Which phones will receive Android 14?

The next big Android software update will, as usual, be available on a plethora of flagship phones from key players including Samsung, Xiaomi, Sony, Motorola, OnePlus, and others that have not yet been published. To be more specific, the following devices are expected to lead the way in the 2023 deployment of Android 14:

  1. OnePlus 11
  2. Galaxy S23, S23 Plus, S23 Ultra
  3. Galaxy Z Fold 5 & Galaxy Z Flip 5
  4. Google Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro

We might expect that Android 14 will gradually roll out to each manufacturer’s crop of eligible smartphones after the first distribution to most flagships. Several Pixel smartphones, including the 7 Pro, 6 Pro, 6, 5, 5a 5G, and 4a 5G, may be flashed with Android 14 at the moment. The standard Google Pixel 4a won’t work with this Android version, which is rather interesting.


The first developer beta of Android 14 is out now, and the release is anticipated for late August or early September. Improved language optimization, a lock screen that you can personalize, more accessible choices, and longer battery life are all part of what you can expect from the next update. Improved security and privacy features, including limitations on app downloads and new tools to combat malware, are also in the works. Many top-tier smartphones, such as the OnePlus 11, Galaxy S23, and Google Pixel 8, will be able to run Android 14. 


When Android 14 be released?

Android 14 was officially released to the public initially for Google’s Pixel phones. As of October 4th, the following devices have received the firmware update: A Google Pixel 4a with 5G and a Google Pixel 5.

When Android 15 will come?

Possible release date and device compatibility for Android 15 In February or March of 2024, we anticipate the release of the Android 15 Developer Preview by the firm.

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